Mobile App


Blast Home Mockup Shadow

Blast is the very first social network based on challenges, that wants you to be yourself without filters.

We thought to transform the whole landing page into a challenge. The goal is to make the user download the app while having fun.

The client needed a clean and straightforward layout to maximize engagement within the app while keeping it easy and fun to use it.

Blast inverts the popularity trend, where the least popular one will be the first one to be seen with #zero2hero.

Be yourself, filter free with no fear of others judgment. The only place where you can be you

Give a more human touch to your likes with reactions!

Challenge your friend with a OneToOne and see who's going to do the best Blast!

Blast protects original content creators by allowing them to claim their copied challenges.

Blast allows users to contribute to the survey to decide with them who copied whom.

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